We all know that mental health issues are on the rise, especially since lockdown. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO, https://www.who.int/), mental health is the leading cause of disability worldwide, it is the biggest killer of men until 45 in the UK and second leading cause of death in people aged between 15 – 29. These stats are simply shocking and there seems to be little improvement! So, the question has to be asked…why? Maybe it is time for a new perspective on mental health to make bigger changes.
Throughout history, mental health has been approached in a variety of ways. The ancient philosophers believed that your mental health symptoms were a sign of a physical imbalance in the body and that this could lead to them solving the problem (the ancient Greek’s, for example, believed that low mood and depression were a sign that the individual had an imbalance of black bile).
As the ages progressed, so did the ideas! Theorists and psychologists developed ideas that maybe the body wasn’t the problem; maybe it was the mind! Once this idea was established, countless studies and research have been carried out to work out how best to ‘fix’ the sufferer of mental health symptoms. From using electricity, dream interpretation, delving into the past, herbal remedies, drugs, talking therapy all of these things have got one thing in common. Can you spot it? – How to FIX the SYMPTOMS and make the person feel better.
Today we have drugs that can boost the level of hormones in your brain to make you FEEL BETTER. Counselling and therapies have continued to develop from those historical ideas and theories and look at better ways to fix the problem and improve people’s symptoms. Medical professionals continue to explore and test to find out why people suffer from mental health issues, they create diagnoses and labels relating to different symptoms. So why are things getting worse?
You might say that with knowledge and understanding we recognise the symptoms better than we used and that makes the problem seem worse. Maybe it’s that the world we live in a more difficult place and people just can’t cope. Perhaps it’s because it is more acceptable to talk about and seek help these days.
But what if it’s because we are looking at mental health the wrong way? Maybe we are looking at mental health in the wrong way and we need to take a different, new perspective.
The systems that we have in place are built on and created from ideas and theories from the past with the focus on what is WRONG with a person and how to we fix it? But what if there is nothing WRONG with the person?
Henry Ford (the car designer) is said to have stated – ‘If we’d asked people what they wanted, they’d have said faster horses.’
Many of the treatments out there are the ‘faster horses’ version of historical ideas. How to make people FEEL better and reduce their symptoms. But what if the best thing was to have a completely new approach? What if we needed a motor car rather than horses in the mental health world?
This is where Chanya comes in. It’s not about looking at what is WRONG with people and how to put it right. It’s not even about relieving their symptoms! It’s about looking at what is right and how to get people there.
Imagine baking a cake – you know what a great cake should look like, you know how it should taste. If you have 100g of flour, an egg, 100g sugar, 100g of butter mixed and you bake it for 20 minutes you are going to get that cake, right? If these ingredients are wrong then our cake will be wrong!
What if this is true for being mentally healthy? What if we knew the ingredients? Just like a cake, if the ingredients for strong mental health link to the way that you think, the beliefs you hold and the level of control you feel you have over your life are wrong… Then your outlook would be all wrong and you wouldn’t feel the way you wanted to.
Chanya sessions aren’t about fixing people and making them just ‘feel a bit better’. They’re all about teaching the right skills and components (ingredients) to make people feel like the best version of themselves and feeling in control.
We don’t start with ‘what is wrong’, we start with ‘what is right’ and then we teach people how to get there. If people have great mental health, then they simply CAN’T be struggling with symptoms!
Find out how to take back control and build great mental health by booking a free 30-minute consultation.
07849 786177